Marriage Astrology
Most of the Indian arranged marriages are decided on the merits of the astrological match; after the preliminaries of course. The preliminaries do cover a lot of territory such as social status equation, financial stability etc. The families involved would prefer to involve with families of equal status. Priority in the list of merits should be Paapagriha saamya. There are three counts; papa-griha-saamya, dasaa-sandhi & sama dasa and star-match in this order. The first step is the valuation of the paapa-griha in both the horoscopes and it should be equal or the valuation of the girl's horoscope should be very slightly less than that of the boys
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Dasa-sandhi should be matching. In our life, there are 9 dasaas in this order, venus-14 years, sun-6 years, moon-10 years, mars-7 years, rahu-18 years, jupitar-16 years, Saturn-19 years and mercury-17 years and kethu- 7 years, and the total will be 120 years, a man's life time; and if a person lives beyond this age, the dasaas will start all over gain from the beginning. For every one at the time of birth a different dasa starts according to the star. No matter which part of dasa starts these dasas and will continue in this order only. During some of these dasaas, a person has to suffer a lot, and during some other dasaas he will have every thing in perfect harmony.
This simply means there are good times and bad times in our lives. When the husband is going through a bad dasaa, the wife's dasa should be good, supporting her husband's bad time. This way their life together balances out, to enable them to lead a normal life with minimum storms and upheavals. In case both the husband and wife face bad dasa at the same time, disaster will strike. This could even be fatal. On could lose his or her life or something equally bad.
The third step is star-match, in the order of preference. There are Rasi match, Rasyadhipan match, Vasyam, Ganam, Yoni, Dhinam, Mahendram, Sthree deergham, Rajju and Vedham. Out of ten, more number of matches are preferred.
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